Sunday, October 11, 2009

Relevance Of Blogs- Why And How!

A friend of mine venturing into freelance writing recently asked me if it was the advisable for her to start writing a blog right at the start of her career in this field. Apparently she had been advised that it is better to establish oneself in this field first and then start with a blog. I do not believe the same. I rather suggested to start writing a blog as soon as possible and use this platform to promote her work and talent. yes, why not? The kind of reach that a blog can provide your business is enormous. The visibility that a blog gets to your business allows you to harness it to your advantage.

The process of setting up a blog is extremely simple. All you need is to join any of the free blogging websites( blogger and Wordpress are the most common ones), select a domain name for yourself, find yourself a hosting space if the blogging website does not provide you with one( blogger does) and follow the simple registration procedure. Once you have an account go about personalizing your blog by adding to it themes and backgrounds that you wish too. The choices towards personalizing your blog are endless! There can be so many reasons that I can list which makes blogging a MUST for an individual who might be working in any field.

1. Visibility: A blog gives you and your business the web presence that you need in order to be seen by the right people.
2. Publicity: A blog allows you to connect with other like minded people on the internet and gives your business the scope of expanding further. Use your blog to your advantage to advertise your talent and as an effective means of networking.
3. Showcase: By means of a blog you can showcase your expertise in your field and at the same time use it as a mean to put forward your portfolio. You could link your blog to your website or add a page of your portfolio to your blog.
4. Portfolio: If you are a beginner and have no portfolio to show then use your blog as your portfolio. In case of a writer use it to write good articles which falls in your area of expertise and then go ahead and forward the link of your blog to prospective clients.

A blog is reflective of your work and is an effective way of marking your presence on the internet. Try and make your blog as expressive towards your services as possible. Use of images, crisp titles and interesting, relevant content are the secrets of a successful blog. Do not write a blog just because everyone else is doing so. Realise the importance that is attached to it and consider it as a part of your business.


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